Clivia miniata - Kaffir Lilly
There is a garden up the road from here (on the Main Rd
Willunga) with old Olive trees underplanted with a collar of gorgeous
orange flowering Clivia miniata – the
orange flowering variety. It looks spectacular every year – such bright colour
in the shady gloom under the trees.
These days Clivia’s also come in a yellow flowering form –
more a rich cream then intense yellow, but stunning in its own right.
So, we are celebrating Clivias’ this week at Fern Forest!
The shiny dark green leaves are attractive on their own, and they are actually
quite tough, enjoying the shade and dryer soil you find under established
Clivia’s – named after ‘Clive of India’ and also called
Kaffir lilies in their native South Africa, are fabulous pots plants as well.
Their clumping habit means they will need potting on separation eventually, but
they are relatively slow growing and resilient, so can be kept in a pot for
many years, enjoying a spell inside during flowering and being returned to
their shady homes outside for the rest of the year.