Monday, 1 October 2012


Tree Fern
Ferns are a very ancient family of plants. They have first appeared in the fossil record 360 million years ago! They are older than land animals and far older than the dinosaurs. They were thriving on Earth for two hundred million years before the flowering plants evolved. We are lucky that we still can behold these prehistoric 'gems' in our environment (can't say the same about the dinosaurs).

So, ferns! There are more than 10,000 varieties of them! You can find them while going for a walk in bushland, happily growing in wet and cool gullies under the shade of the trees. They look stunning! You can easily grow them inside at home, or if there is a shady spot in your garden they will happily live there as well!

Delicate maidenhair fern is perfect for your bathroom, because of the humid air and the absence of direct sunlight. Bird's Nest Fern will look magnificent in your patio in a pot, or plant it straight in your garden! Planting a Tree Fern could be the first step for creating your own 'prehistoric' garden!

Ferns are simple in terms of care and growing requirements. They don't like to be overwatered in winter or over fertilized. Liquid fertilizer monthly in summer will do it!Having plants indoors improves air quality and general well being for the inmates!

This Arum Lilly is 'renting' the Bird's Nest ground floor!

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